Five stars, absolutely. This book was sweet, funny, heart wrenching, and just... awesome. Stephanie Perkins writes her characters with careful consideration so that, the entire time, I felt as if I KNEW these kids. Each of the "group" (Rashmi, Mer, Josh, St. Clair, Anna) had their own distinct personalities and their decisions were true to their characters - refreshing, when so many YA books seem to have cookie cutter or cardboard character types that blend into each other.
The plot was amazingly written and kept me on the edge of my seat so that I just Could Not put the book down. I kept wondering how exactly Perkins was going to FINALLY get St. Clair and Anna together when so many road blocks were sent this way.
I would recommend this book to anyone. Well, almost anyone. Anyone who enjoys sweetly crafted love stories (Oh, and I should add - although the story is between two teenagers... as a 22 year old, I didn't feel as though I was watching a tween melodrama. This felt real and transcended age.). I'm glad I bought this book and I look forward to reading it again.