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I have no idea what I'm doing so, I'm just testing this site out while I figure out if I want to move permanently from Good Reads.

Currently reading

My Name is Rapunzel
K.C. Hilton
Benajah's Keeper (vol. 1)
Aeryn Dougan
Losing Hope
Colleen Hoover
Let it Snow - Lauren Myracle, John Green, Maureen Johnson The full review is posted on www.acreads.blogspot.com!

Guys, I loved this book. I really did. I think that I have a new Christmas favorite.

As the synopsis above stated, this book is really a bind of three novellas (all are 9-13 chapters) that revolve around the happenings of one very, very snowy night in a small town named Gracetown. I found each story to be incredibly unique and surprisingly compelling and deep given that they were each quite short. Each of the main characters (Jubilee, Tobin, and Addie) are at a turning point in their lives - whether they realize it or not... and the catalyst for the change happens to be the freak blizzard that throws their lives in to upheaval for the night. While each of the characters' issues stem from romantic problems, they each go through growth as people as well.

Considering the authors (save Lauren Myracle... I am not familiar with her other than Let It Snow), the stories and characters are characteristically quirky and the separate plots are slightly ridiculous situations. I loved each of the characters and was able to relate to them in some way. And the romance? It was so sweet and heartfelt.

If you guys haven't read Let It Snow and are looking for a light Christmas-y read... please go pick it up! This would also be a great introduction to John Green if you haven't read any of his books before and are looking for an introduction (and aren't looking to have your heart shattered by The Fault in Our Stars).